Whether you are coming for a hunting expedition, planning your wedding or family reunion, let Wessington Springs provide a perfect picturesque location.
If you need a venue for your next event, Wessington Springs offers several options in different sizes to match your needs. Ranging from a small family reunion location to a wedding reception for several hundred people, Wessington Springs has what you need.
Find a list of motel and B&B's available in the city limits of Wessington Springs.
Experience some of the most prestigious pheasant hunting in all of the USA right here in the Wessington Springs area. Several of these lodges also are available in the off-season for overnight guests, some who provide transportation.
The Prairie Lounge / American Legion Post 14 offers a large seating area and the kitchen is available to serve meals for your event. Call (605)539-1141 for more information.
The Jerauld County Ag Building (4-H Building) has the seating for a large event with a full kitchen for serving meals. This building can be split into 2 smaller rooms, too. Contact the Extension Office (605)539-9471.
The Senior Center / Community Center is able to host medium-sized events. There is a kitchen available.
Call (605)539-9331 to learn more.
The 'back room' of the Springs Inn Café is able to host several types of events. Plus, their popular buffet right next door. Call (605)539-9909 to learn more.
If you are looking for something unique for your next event, give Sweet Grass a look. Located in a historic building, they can host medium-sized events with a full menu.
The historic Field House in the City Park is a great location for events in the warmer months. There is a serving area for food and room for seating for a medium-sized event.
The 1905 Opera House has a stage area and prep area with seating for many types of events. The Opera House is a block from Main Street with several eateries, if needed.
Open for reservations in the Fall of 2023, the Springs Rec Center is attached to the Elementary School and will be able to host large events.
Wessington Springs area is a prime destination for your next pheasant hunt! Let the lodges below give you a wonderful South Dakota hunting experience!
Several of our area hunting lodges can also accommodate your large event, especially in the off-season. While not all of those listed below are open year-round, many of these are. Some may also offer transportation between your venue in Wessington Springs and their lodge.
City of Wessington Springs
101 South Wallace Avenue, PO Box 443, Wessington Springs, South Dakota 57382