If you are looking for a place to call home, we hope you give Wessington Springs a look. We have many amenities that you will love, all while offering that "small town feel".
Wessington Springs offers health and professional services, retail and employment opportunities to Wessington Springs and the surrounding area.
The median house in Wessington Springs is $72,000. Rental options are affordable, with a range of 350-$850 per month. (According to a 2021 housing study)
The unemployment rate in Jerauld County is 2.5% (U.S. avg. is 8.1%). Recent job growth is positive, showing a growth in the last 5 years.
(From 2021 housing study)
Wessington Springs has plenty of room for growth! There are commercial and residential lots available, the current infrastructure can handle expansion and several employers are offering job opportunities.
Average household income in Wessington Springs is $43,170 (according to a 2021 housing study)
The last official US Census in 2020 recorded the population of the City of Wessington Springs at 811.
If you are living in the City of Wessington Springs, please contact our office for your water, sewer and electrical services.
Ph: (605)539-1691
City of Wessington Springs
101 South Wallace Avenue, PO Box 443, Wessington Springs, South Dakota 57382
Copyright © 2022 City of Wessington Springs - All Rights Reserved.
some photos provided by Kristi Hine at the True Dakotan.
Amber Kolousek Website Design